We have adapted the salon experience to follow the guidelines set out to maintain a safe environment for both you and the team.
To make your visit to the salon relaxing and safe here are some of the guidelines we would like you to follow:
You or an individual you have been with has been confirmed with Covid-19 and is self-isolating
You are currently self-isolating
You have a new cough, fever, loss of smell, taste and shortness of breath
If you have travelled outside the UK within the last 14 days.
We understand your hair is a priority, and you want to get your lockdown hair sorted ASAP, but please think of our team, our salon and other customers.
If you visit the salon with any of the above, we may ask you to leave the salon and call us to reschedule as you could potentially be risking the health of the team and our customers.
Please arrive at your exact appointment time. We want to keep the number of customers in the salon to a minimum, so we ask that if you arrive early then please wait in your car and call the salon to see if your stylist is ready for you.
If you are late to your appointment then this will run into your appointment time only and may affect the service your stylist can provide within the time available.
We will do our very best to keep on time, so your stylist may be a little quieter than normal during your visit to help us concentrate on your hair and keep us running to time.
We will keep the door locked, but there will be a doorbell to make us aware when you arrive. Please ring the bell as our dryers will be loud: we might not hear you knocking.
Please arrive to your appointment on your own; you will not be allowed to have anyone wait for you.
When cancelling or moving an appointment you must give us at least 48 hours' notice via phone call only..We will not be able to be as quick to respond on a messaging service or email during this busy time, please call us, so we are made aware promptly and your cancellation is not missed, this allows us offer this space for another customer.
Please be aware that there will be a longer wait than normal to get your appointment booked due to the massive back log of customers we will be serving and space is very limited.
Unfortunately due to the current circumstances we will no discounts or concession discounts on any services during the opening, this decision has been made to help protect the business and do what we must to keep us trading, we hope you all understand this is a temporary measure and continue to support us.
There will be a station where you can sanitise your hands upon arrival and there are various stations around the salon.
Please wear a face covering
When we are face-to-face and when we are shampooing your hair you must wear a face covering. This is not an option; this will be mandatory.
During warmer weather, we ask you do not bring a jacket
As a temporary measure, we will not be offering beverages or magazines
We ask that you refrain from touching any product on display or in our retail area unless you will be purchasing them
We will be sanitising stations between clients paying extra attention to arm chairs, door handles and bathrooms.
We will continue to maintain high cleaning standards within the salon including clean brushes for each customer, freshly washed gowns and towels for every customer (disposable towels as a temporary measure), and we will disinfect all tools, combs and equipment after each use.
These practices will continue.
Making an Appointment
We ask that you do not come to the salon to make a booking, instead please call us on
01702 547666 or message us on Facebook, Instagram or via our website.
Skin Test
Our policy remains the same and every colour service will require a skin test 48 hours prior to the service. We offer home testing kits that you can contactlessly pick up from the salon, or we can post out to you, failure to complete a skin test before your visit will mean we are unable to perform your colour service and you will have to rebook for another day.
Card payments will be the preferred payment, contactless where possible. We will still accept cash payments.
25Hair Team Protocols
Our team will be following these protocols to reduce risk within the salon:
Changing into work clothes when arriving to the salon
Lunch breaks to be taken on-site only
Regular hand washing and sanitising throughout the day
Protective shields will be worn when customer facing and face coverings for closer work
Nails to be maintained at a sensible length and always to be clean
Our team will greet you without close contact (no handshakes or hugs)
Designated working stations and areas
Maintain sanitising and cleaning throughout the salon.